(2 Ratings)

Web Development Front End

By Write Way Categories: Computer
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About Course

Welcome to the Web Development Full Course! Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, this comprehensive course is designed to take you on a journey through the exciting world of web development. Over the duration of this course, we will cover key aspects of both front-end and back-end development, empowering you to create dynamic and responsive websites.

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Web Development
    • Understanding the basics: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    • Overview of front-end vs. back-end development
  2. Front-End Development
    • HTML (HyperText Markup Language):
      • Building the structure of web pages
      • Understanding semantic HTML for better accessibility
    • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):
      • Styling web pages to create visually appealing designs
      • Responsive design and media queries
    • JavaScript:
      • Introduction to programming concepts
      • DOM manipulation for dynamic web content
      • Event handling and asynchronous programming
    • Responsive Design:
      • Introduction to frameworks like Bootstrap
      • Media queries for various screen sizes
  3. Back-End Development
    • Introduction to Server-Side Languages:
      • Overview of languages like Node.js, Python, Ruby, or PHP
    • Database Management:
      • Basics of SQL and NoSQL databases
      • Connecting web applications to databases
    • Server-Side Frameworks:
      • Introduction to frameworks like Express.js, Django, Flask, or Ruby on Rails
    • APIs (Application Programming Interfaces):
      • Understanding RESTful APIs
      • Consuming and building APIs
  4. Version Control with Git and GitHub
    • Basics of version control for collaborative development
    • Using Git for tracking changes in your code
    • Collaborating on GitHub repositories
  5. Web Development Tools and Workflow
    • Introduction to text editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
    • Debugging tools and techniques
    • Task runners and build tools
  6. Deployment and Hosting
    • Deploying web applications to servers or platforms like Heroku, Netlify, or AWS
    • Domain management and securing your website with HTTPS
  7. Web Development Best Practices
    • Code organization and maintainability
    • Performance optimization tips
    • Accessibility and SEO best practices

By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to develop and deploy your own web applications. Get ready to dive into the exciting world of web development!

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What Will You Learn?

  • In a comprehensive web development full course, you can expect to learn the following:
  • HTML and CSS: Fundamentals of web markup and styling to structure and design web content.
  • JavaScript: Programming language for creating dynamic and interactive web pages.
  • Responsive Design: Techniques to ensure websites work well on various devices and screen sizes.
  • Front-end Frameworks: Such as React or Angular for building robust and efficient user interfaces.
  • Back-end Development: Server-side scripting using languages like Node.js or Python, handling data and server operations.
  • Database Management: Basics of storing and retrieving data using databases like MySQL or MongoDB.
  • Version Control: Tools like Git for tracking and managing changes in code.
  • APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): Connecting your web application to external services and data.
  • Web Security: Understanding and implementing measures to secure web applications.
  • Deployment and Hosting: Taking a website from development to live on the internet, using services like AWS, Heroku, or Netlify.
  • Project Work: Practical application through real-world projects to reinforce learning.
  • Soft Skills: Communication, problem-solving, and collaboration skills essential for working in development teams.
  • Overall, a web development full course aims to provide a well-rounded skill set, enabling individuals to design, develop, and deploy modern web applications

Course Content

Introduction to HTML
The internet has become an inseparable part of our daily lives. we use the internet to visit various websites using a mobile phone, a laptop or a computer. Have you ever thought how these websites are created? Websites are a collection of many web pages. We use various computer languages or technologies to create these web pages. HTML is one of the technologies that is used to create web pages of a website. This chapter will introduce you to HTML.

  • HTML
  • Web Browsers
  • Basic Structure of an HTML Document
  • Structure of an HTML Document
  • Basic Terminologies in HTML
  • Types of Tags

Creating a Web Page

Images and Hyperlinks in HTML

List and Tables in HTML

Audio & Video

Cascading Style Sheets


Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 2 Ratings
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5 years ago
The course is extraordinary!!
It explains everything from A to Z regarding Nutrition and also there are some very valuable workout tips.
Great job!
5 years ago
Absolutely fantastic!! Thanks so, so much Felix for your concise, practically useful and well informed course.